1. Pirates must always respect their opponents and engage in healthy battling with one another.
2. In the event of a discrepancy in the rules or trouble between the pirates, they must promptly call the assigned floor judge and confirm decision. The Judge has the utmost right to give final judgements.
In addition, you can only file an objection at that point.
3. Pirates must abide by the judge's final decision.
Judges must remain neutral and treat players fairly at all times, and must explain the properties and reasons behind of the decision.
4. The judge has the authority to make final decisions regarding the rules during the game, as well as to make decisions regarding disputes between the participating pirates.
A. What you Need
Participants must prepare the following items by themselves.
A deck constructed with 50 cards + 1 Leader Card
Cards that can be used to construct decks are limited to the authentic "One Piece Official Card Game" (Japanese version) cards.
However, when participating in OPCG Bicol's Official Weekly Tournaments, pirates are prohibited in using fake/self printed cards. Printed Parallel Leaders are an EXCEPTION and are ALLOWED, but for professional purposes it must be beside with an authentic basic leader card on the game, as long as the player has the original leader cards beside them which can be presented at any time of the games.
During featured matches, however, printed leaders which are not authentic are not allowed.
Forbidden/banned cards are not allowed to be used nor included in the decks.
In addition, pirates are also allowed to use TCG version (also referred to as English versions), as long as those cards are TCG-authentic and must first notify the administration of the community.
B. Necessary Items
Don!! Deck
Constructed with 10 "Don!! Cards"
Can either be authentic Don!! Cards of choice or any decent cards that can represent Don!! cards.
Playmat (Optional)
Playmats are from which pirates can lay down their cards to prevent it from being scratched or damaged.
Using a playmat is optional.
Registration Fees (For weekly official group tournaments)
Registration fees are calculated based on total pirate turnout for prizes and for optional snake drafts. Further information will be discussed in the succeeding sections.
C. Things Needed for Effect Processes
Each participant must prepare the items necessary to process the effects of their own cards, and must have them on the table at the start of the Battle. Additionally, the management may specify which items to use.
Any die can be used.
Dice is highly recommended to be used for reduction or increase of character cost, attack power, etc. for reference purposes.
A. Tournament Rules
The tournament rules will be the based on the “One Piece Card Game Official Rules (2024 Updated Version 1.5)”.
The winner of the tournament will be determined using BO1 System, also known as Best of One Battle. Standard Swiss Rules are applied.
In addition, a strict Top 4 to cut will be employed after completing the initial swiss rounds, with an elimination setup to determine Top 1 (champion), 2nd, 3rd and 4th. this will be further discussed in the next section.
B. About the Deck
Decks that can be used in tournaments
Only one deck may be used during a tournament.
If the tournament organizers requires submission, participants must report the contents of the decks they will use in the tournament using the specified method.
The use of cards other than those listed on the "Deck Entry Sheet" is prohibited. (this will only be applied on OPCG Albay's Big Events)
Deck initialization for each round
Card changes between decks are not allowed after the start of the first battle of each round.
C. Time Limit
In tournaments, the time limit for one round battle is 30 minutes. If the winner of the battle is not determined after 30 minutes (initial match limit), pirates enter an additional 5 minutes with last 3 turns, starting from the current turn player (as turn 0). Within this time, there would be no extensions.
This includes the interval time between setups (such as shuffling cards) and the time during which judges discuss decisions based on reports from players.
Players must follow the "Basic Tournament Etiquettes'' and keep the battle proceeding in a healthy and smooth manner.
It is permitted to use English card translator function to check cards and match times. However, the start and end times of the tournament must follow the times measured by the tournament organizer or judge. This time, when called, is always FINAL.
Penalties will be applied to actions that prolong the progress of a battle.
If a pirate significantly wastes match time due to excessive thinking or wasteful playing, whether intentional or not, a penalty starting with a "caution" may be given at the judge's discretion.
If you feel your opponent is prolonging the match, tell him politely.
If there are effects where pirates are having troubled with, immediately call the judge.
If the winner is not met after the 35 total minutes of time limit, the winner will be determined according to the following procedure depending on the tournament format.
The Following rules are applied when the 5-minute extra time for last 3 turns time expires
[Situation 1] Time stopped in the middle of attempting to declare the attack
Continue the attack (opponent can still block/counter). After that, compare the remaining lives. The player with most life wins.
[Situation 2] Same Life (After attack/Time stopped)
The player with more cards in deck wins.
[Situation 3] Same Deck count
Instead of Jack en Poi or Rock Paper Scissors (from the official rules), both players are declared as draw (with 1 point each).
[Regarding Swiss Pairings]
Every week, an assigned administrator will handle the swiss pairings, whether using STC Swiss, MTG Swiss, or Challonge Swiss App to determine the battle pairings. Pairings of the pirates on the swiss needs to be random, and the Swiss Settings must be set to Standard Scorings.
[Regarding Points]
Win = 2 points
Lose = 0 point
Draw = 1 point
[Regarding Top Cut]
1. The Top 4 Pirates are randomly paired using Standard Swiss Settings. (From here, the points of the previous swiss is already disregarded.)
2. The Swiss will undergo a single elimination, for 2 Rounds.
3. If the winner is determined, the Battle ends as usual.
4. First Round Determines who goes for "Battle for Top 1-2", and Second round goes Championship and "Battle for top 3-4."
5. There is no time limit for these battles, however, it is advised for the players to exercise time management to prevent prolonging of the matches.
Top 4 Cut Sample Match
Player A,B, C and D are the Top 4
Round 1 Pairings (Random match up, simultaneous battles)
A vs. D
B vs. C
Player A and C WINS = They will proceed to round 2 for Battle for Champion and 1st Runner Up
Player B and D LOST = They will proceed to round 2 for Battle for 2nd and 3rd Runner Up
Round 2 pairings (Based on the previous record)
A vs C
B vs D
Player A WINS = Declared as Champion, with Player C as 1st Runner Up
Player B WINS = Declared as 2nd Runner Up, with Player D as 3rd Runner Up
[Rounds Per Number of Players]
8 or less Players = 3 round swiss + top 4 cut
9 to 16 Players = 4 round swiss + top 4 cut
17 or more players = 5+ round swiss + top 8 cut (depending on the event)
This number of battle varies depending on the type and nature of event.
Registration Fees
All pirates that will participate in the Weekly Tournament are REQUIRED to pay for a registration fee, which will then be used for the prizes of the tournament.
Prize Structure A
Under Normal Weekly Tournament Prizing System, for 9 - 16 players, Champion will receive 3 Packs [Latest Booster Release or Any Available], 1st Runner Up 2 Packs [Latest Booster Release or Any Available] and 2nd to 3rd Runner up each having 1 Pack each [Latest Booster Release or Any Available] + Optional Snake Draft Packs of Choice and number [Latest Booster Release or Any Available ]
When Player count reaches 14-16, however, prizes increase. Champion will receive 4 Packs [Latest Booster Release or Any Available], 1st Runner Up 3 Packs [Latest Booster Release or Any Available] and 2nd Runner up having 2 Pack, and 3rd Runner Up having 1 pack [Latest Booster Release or Any Available] + Optional Snake Draft Packs of Choice and number [Latest Booster Release or Any Available ]
For 8 or less players, Champion will receive 2 Packs [Latest Booster Release or Any Available], 1st Runner Up 1 Pack [Latest Booster Release or Any Available] and 2nd Runner up having 1 Pack [Latest Booster Release or Any Available].
In Addition, this prizes can further increase (or decrease) upon players discretion.
Prize Structure B
Players who are unable to reach top cuts have the ABILITY to decide whether they want a Snake Draft Prize or not. Each player will get to choose 1 card of their choice from the opened packs, in swiss ranking order, from highest to lowest, then from lowest to highest (Packs of the Snake Draft will be depending on the players decision)
Players who are able to enter Top Cut are EXCLUDED from the Snake Draft.
Player Responsibilities
Players attending the tournament are encouraged to support the company/venue/hosts by purchasing items, regardless of the price (e.g. buying biscuit, drinks, etc.). Any small purchase is highly appreciated. This is to ensure that we can give back to our venue hosts, for their accommodation.
Also, pirates are encouraged to share public announcements, decklist, and the promotion of the venue holders and sponsors as part of the community's gratitude to the said individuals/establishment/hosts.
Point System Setup
Pirates who participate in the OPCG Bicol Weekly Tournament Battles are given their heads a "Bounty" represented by Berries by the World Government, which represents the point ranking system. The more battles they win, the more bounty are placed on their heads.
However, a person participating these tournaments can also decide whether he wants to be a Pirate or a member of the Marines. When being a Marines was chosen, he will be given a Rank based on his overall gathered bounty points. The World Government will assign a rank based on this and they will be part of the Marines.
When a person decides to go on a journey as a Pirate, he automatically becomes an enemy of the World Government. The World Government grants Bounty on their heads which represents how much of a threat they are as points. These Bounty points grants them titles depending on the bounty they have on their heads. (These points are on par with the Marine points)
The OPCG Bicol Weekly Tournament Grants points based on that week's current rankings-- from which the total amount of Players equals the total amount if Highest Berry which a player can achieve per tournament x 3 million Berries, going down by 1 million the lower the rank is (based on the Top cut, and swiss).
For Example:
Total Players: 14
Champion - 14 x 3 Million Berries
(2nd) 1st Runner Up - 13 x 3 Million Berries
(3rd) 2nd Runner Up - 12 x 3Million Berries
(4th) 3rd Runner Up - 11 x 3 Million Berries
(5th) 4th Runner Up - 10 x 3 Million Berries
(6th) 5th Runner Up - 9 x 3 Million Berries
(7th) 6th Runner Up - 8 x 3 Million Berries
(On so on)
At the end of each season, the Top Player is rewarded with 1x OPCG Bicol Rubber Playmat "Season X" Special Edition as commemoration for the top-notch performance, which will be rewarded by our sponsor, Meta Insider OCG. It will be also published online in its website for public viewing.
At the end of each season, the Top 10 will be given a chance to participate in "FINAL BATTLE", from which they will compete for GRAND TITLE and PRIZES of the whole Season. Champion will recieve 1x King of The Pirates Title of the SEASON Rubber Playmat, with his choice of deck/leader as design. Packs and other prizes will be given to winners as well, which will be soon discussed in the future.
To promote One Piece Card Game to the public, Pirates are encouraged to create "Pirate Alliances", which main goal to is to share and promote OPCG Community to friends and the public. This is to help the community become more active, engaging, and growing. Players who cannot participate in the Weekly OPCG Bicol tournament are encouraged to join Pirate Alliance casual mini-tournaments, meet ups, and normal casual games to invite more players. Such examples are the Turn One Community in Catanduanes, and so on.
FLEET ADMIRAL - 200 Million+ Berries
ADMIRAL - 180 Million Berries
VICE ADMIRAL - 150 Million Berries
COMMODORE - 120 Million Berries
CAPTAIN - 100 million Berries
YONKO (EMPERORS) - 200 Million+ Berries
SUPERNOVA - 100 Million Berries
One Piece Card Game Bicol was officially founded on August 12, 2023, by a group of enthusiastic Pirates on Albay. The group continues to grow and prosper, battling and increasing their powers in preparation for control of the Grand Line and one day finding the One Piece.